September Photo Challenge: Black and White

It’s literally been months since we’ve participated in P.J.s monthly photo challenge. In fact, it’s been that long since I’ve even logged into WordPress. Did you know that WordPress is now up to version 4.0? It happened while we were away. Also, there were like 50 million plugins to update as well upon logging in and brushing off the cobwebs.

So uh…yeah. This month’s theme is Black and White, and I took most of these on my way back from a weekend trip to Toronto. Actually, most of these are from Belleville, where I stopped for gas and then hung around the railroad crossing waiting for a passing boxcar to jump into. That would have been the life: riding the rails, forgetting everything I knew and living day to day, relying only on my fists and quick wit. What a grand adventure I’d have before realizing that the train I’d jumped was headed straight back to Montreal, delivering me back into the hell from which I thought I’d escaped. So much for quick wit.

Anyhow, I applied the Grayscale filter on most of these.

1.  Toronto still has street cars. It’s a beautiful mess of wires in some areas.


2. RR Crossing on the edge of Belleville.


3. Homes along the Old Kingston Road.


4. I was checking out this week’s Now at a Toronto cafe and couldn’t help but notice just how many shows they get. Yes, there’s a Lez Zeppelin/Vag Halen double bill happening at the Phoenix in November.


5. This black and white(OK, grey and white) guy was just hanging out admiring his long, late afternoon Autumn shadow. Either that or he’s having an existential crisis. Oh wait. That’s me.

parking lot seagull

And we’re done. Go have a look and see what everyone else produced this month.

10 thoughts on “September Photo Challenge: Black and White

  1. First of all, I can’t believe you willing took a trip to what you always refer to as “*spits* Toronto.” You captures some very interesting images. The wires remind me of the trolley cars in my hometown of San Francisco. Glad to see you back again, my friend.


  2. That mess of wires? Just excellent! Can’t imagine how any street car gets where it’s supposed to go given all the criss-crossing and interconnections.

    Amazing how the brain fools itself. I had to read the Zeppelin ad twice before I caught on to the “z”, even though you pointed it out before I looked at the picture! Maybe I’d better go for a third cup of coffee today!


  3. Yeaaa!!!! Another sea gull woo hoo! So you KNOW I like HIM. Your photos are fantastic. The wires in the first one astound me. We JUST got a light rail here… we have NOTHING like what you have.

    All of these are wonderful, my two favorites are the wires and the railroad. Really pretty in black and white.


  4. I think I’m going to go with the rail shot as I always like seeing those kinds of shots. The shot almost seems to want to be vertical in nature though.


  5. The mess of cable wires is beautiful chaos! And, I love the angle and simplicity of the RR light against the sky. I do hope you can get some help with that existential crisis. I hear photography is a great outlet! 🙂


  6. Those are very creative choices. Nice job! That’s a lot of wires and I didn’t realize Toronto was such a hot spot.


  7. Yeah, I am quite late in responding to last month’s images… but hey, better late than never! Anyway good job with this and good to see you back in the challenge, Mike. I like the wires. in the first one. And there’s something about railroads and black and white. They work so well!


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